Sunday, April 25, 2010



Ok yall im about to take yall wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back AGAIN when i was just a lil shawty blowing snot out my nose ( that shit sounded nasty as fuck) this story is a pre-school story just like the barney story.......this time the scene is on the we gooooooooooo!!!!!


So its noon and we just got up from our of course its time for recess, every toddlers dream when they're locked down in school. So we are outside, some kids are playing on the sliding board, some are shooting hoops on the fisher price goal, and some are of course running around like fucking idiots....back to me tho....back to the sliding I am standing a good distance from the sliding board. I see Amber Grace ( country fucking name FTL...she had a raspy voice even as a kid) so she is climbing the sliding board and I'm standing here with this brick in my damn I'm thinking to myself do i have the strength/accuracy to knock this bitch up side her head.....only one way to find out.........I throw the damn brick and what do you know WE HAVE OURSELVES A YOUNG TOM BRADY. That shit hit her right on the forehead i could see the blood/brick skid mark on her forehead. Of course she cried loud as fuck even louder than that "best cry" youtube video......everyone on the playground fucking told on me......i was in some deep know i didn't think not once about getting in trouble smh...oh well here we go its too late now

The Punishment

Man Mrs. Jones (one of the teachers) snatch my ass up so fucking quick...I know i was fucking dead.....we get inside the school and I see her fucking with the blinds...she is taking the stick off the fucking blinds( you know that shit was composed of some of the most hardest plastic) man she wrapped THAT STICK AROUND MY ASS i mean literally that plastic stick was bending around my body every hit....them hits was quick as hell too i mean her arm had to be doing at least 100 mph in 25 mph school zone......she had me by one arm doing work on that ass whooping....shit had to last at least 5 minutes because she was breathing hard as fuck man.

The Results

Well i got my ass whooped, but the scar i left on Amber's forehead was rewarding....moral of this story....if you believe it you can achieve it BURR!(shout out to kneesh)

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